
Love it – Live it

Portfolio support

Portfolio development support for students, grades 10 to 12

Portfolio guidance

Our studio offers special art sessions to students, Grades 10 to 12, who take art as a final exam subject and assist them in building up their portfolio development. A good art portfolio is vital for a good Art Subject mark and is a key component in any application to further studies in visual arts or design.

Should a student decide to enroll in group art lessons, they will be assisted in resolving technical and formal problems as well as addressing conceptual issues with regard to their own work. There will also be mentoring (support and assistance) whenever personal issues, strains and pressures occur.

If required, classes in the following are also on offer:

  • Personal presentation/Mounting
  • Art practice: exhibiting own work, lay-out exhibition space
  • Designing personal catalogue
  • Art research and documentation procedures – Developmental/Research workbooks
  • The art essay
  • Career options in art

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