
Love it – Live it


Experimentation and Innovation

Blaauwhouse offers a Mini Academy for younger children, a Junior Academy and a Senior Academy for high school students. In addition, there is specialised assistance and Art Portfolio Scholars’ Workshops on offer to Grade 10-12 students who are taking Art as a final exam subject.

Deze afbeelding heeft een leeg alt-attribuut; de bestandsnaam is design-cycle-picture-2_orig-1.jpg
The Design cycle

Our teaching is based on the principles of creativity, experimentation and innovation as well as critical inquiry and reflection. We emphasise the importance of Design thinking. Design thinking keeps the function of any project constantly in mind.

Design thinking can be used to solve problems within any aspect of life. Within design thinking lies the design cycle.

We believe in a structured learning/working process on every age level as well as skill level. In order to achieve the best results, our studio applies consequently the Design Cycle. For each art work we follow a step-by-step developmental working method accordingly.


Monday – Friday from 3 pm – 5 pm Tuition fees: € 120 per block of 4 sessions (€30 per session of 2 hours) Saturday – Sunday from 10-12 am or 14-16 pm. Tuition fees: € 160 per block of 4 sessions (€ 40 per session of 2 hours) Special family /friends price for 2: Monday-Friday: € 220 per block of 4 sessions (€ 55 per session of 2 hours) Saturday- Sunday: € 280 per block of 4 sessions (€ 70 per session of 2 hours)

Mini academy 6-10 years

Interactive and Inspiring classes

Blaauwhouse studio offers interactive and inspiring art classes for younger children. The approach is nurturing and fun, encouraging children to experiment and explore through a variety of media.

The courses focus on practical and theoretical aspects of 2-D as well as 3-D art through risk-taking, problem solving and inquiry. Learners are invited to interact artistically and socially in an inspiring, enriching and safe learning environment, with special emphasis on stimulating their open-mindedness, while fostering a growing self-esteem. They will be motivated to exploring their personal beliefs and ideas through a wide variety of art media and art techniques. Our approach is multi-disciplinary and holistic, nurturing and engaging, intended to awaken awareness of, and enthusiasm for the visual arts.

Junior academy 10-14 years

An understanding of the value of drawing

In the Junior Academy our students are introduced to the elements and principals of image-making, and are given an understanding of the value of drawing as an essential medium of communication and expression.

Students will also develop skills and techniques to make critical judgments of contemporary and more conceptual related artwork; they are encouraged to research art practices through the study of the visual arts. We provide a stimulating working environment where students are given every opportunity to develop their abilities in both fine art and design. The approach is nurturing and process-sensitive so as to promote the development of a personal aesthetic and expression in the individual.

Opportunities to develop personal abilities

Students will also develop skills and techniques to make critical judgments of contemporary and more conceptual related artwork; they are encouraged to research art practices through the study of the visual arts. We provide a stimulating working environment where students are given every opportunity to develop their abilities in both fine art and design. The approach is nurturing and process-sensitive so as to promote the development of a personal aesthetic and expression in the individual.

“Art is a language, an instrument of knowledge, an instrument of communication” (Jean Dubuffet)

It is also our intention to identify and develop talent from an early age, so that parents/caretakers and students may make more informed choices regarding art subject choices later in the school career.

Senior academy 14-18 years

Exploring areas of personal interest

The Senior Academy (Grade 10-12 ) is approached in an organic way (comparable with the IBO program); the courses are chosen according the identified special skills of the students. Classes and investigation need to be appropriately structured so that abilities learned may be further developed, challenged and integrated in related areas of interest for the student.

Students will be encouraged to explore inter-disciplinary possibilities and to challenge perceived limits in creative thinking.

Inter-disciplinary possibilities

Visits to exhibitions and lectures will assist them in establishing a broad understanding of contemporary movements in art and design and an awareness of the role of art as an expression of cultural heritage.

Research and visits will extend and enrich the programme, where the student requires it.


Studio Blaauwhouse offers adult classes on Weekly evenings from 20-22:00 hrs. The approach is more academic, looking at lots of different resources, discussing the work the student-artist does in the larger context of Art History and Visual Literacy, emphasising the personal and individual awareness of what one needs to do for oneself.

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