
Love it – Live it

About blaauwhouse

Alexandra Blaauw is a trans disciplinary Visual Arts teacher.

Originally from the Netherlands, Alex has been living overseas since 1983. She started her studies Interior Architecture at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in The Hague/Netherlands and continued at the Dansk Design Skole in Copenhagen/Denmark. Alex has a BFA in Education and is a certified Life Coach. She returned to the Netherlands in November 2018.

Alex taught in a number of countries around the world. Previously she has been teaching Visual Arts at the American International School Johannesburg/Pretoria/South-Africa ; Pechersk International School Kiev/Ukraine and International School St Martyrs Tripoli/Libya.

Teaching in culturally diverse school environments, Alex has researched and implemented various strategies that help students develop creativity, resourcefulness and personal self-esteem according their personal interest and cultural identity.

“Art is not just ornamental . a path in itself . a way out of the predictable and conventional . a map to self discovery.” (Gabrielle Roth)

In 2009 IBO (International Baccalaureate Organization) World magazine published her article ‘With deadly Intent’, based on the art installation, which she created with her MYP students at PSI International School, as part of the annual Art celebrations in Kiev, Ukraine. In August 2015 her article Creativity in the Classroom was published in Connexions, bi-annual newsletter of the AISA (Association of International Schools in Africa).

Parents’ & Students’ reviews

Loads of Fun

Alex is caring, loads of fun and always creative. Our son Franky was looking forward to his Friday afternoon’s art class all week!!! (Parent Friday Mini Academy)

Alex, I’m accepted at Stellenbosch!!!  I just wanted to let you know, thanks so much for all your help and input and motivation, I DEFINITELY wouldn’t have been able to do it without you!!! Hope everything is going well and see you soon 💕 (Student Portfolio Development Support)

Hello Alex, Being one of Rhua’s influential figures, I wanted to tell you that she has finished now her first year of studying in New York at the New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts! Rhua has been accepted there for the 2 yrs degree course. She has been staying there (all on her own) in the dorms and coped so well and fitted right in with all the other students!!!. Thanks for your role in her journey. Kind regards, Vanessa (Parent Student Senior Academy)

Hi miss, I’m not sure if you remember me. You taught me while I was in grade 8. I just wanted to say, that you in all 12 years of schooling, you were my favourite teacher and the way you taught me how mistakes in art and other things are perfect just how they are, since all these things are our own. I just wanted to thank you so much. (Grade 8 Student AISJ Pretoria)

Learning from the ‘Masters’

It was all because of you that Lisa got in for that course! She can’t stop praising you and we’re both so thankful for all that you did for her, really awesome. Thank you Alex! (Parent Portfolio Development Support)

It was an absolute pleasure to be Alex’s student for a few months before she left South Africa. She is a remarkable person and an excellent art teacher. Her art classes were always a pleasure. She has a wonderful creative way of combining aspects of art history, philosophy and basic art skills which results in an enriching experience for any art student. Her warm personality and open minded approach makes you feel safe and comfortable to experiment and express yourself artistically. Highly recommended! (Student Saturday Adult classes)

Alex is an outstanding and highly experienced art educator. If you have the opportunity to collaborate with her you will be so glad you did! She brings a wealth of expertise in all media and skills to develop her learners in to the artists they want to be. Her approach is personalised to suit all learners at all levels. She brings joy and humor to her teaching and love of art. I highly recommend her to all age levels. (Service Learning coordinator/ Visual Arts teacher AISJ Johannesburg SA)

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